The cell intends to bring girl students to the forefront of different activities in the college by offering various facilities and benefits to them. It provides a platform for the female students to explore their co-curricular abilities. The cell also aims to enhance understanding of issues related to women and to make the college campus a safe place for women students.
Women Development Cell was founded at Government Engineering College, Thrissur by Prof Dr.Meenakshy (the staff coordinator of WDC), Nimisha A B.(secretary of WDC) and Thensiha A V.(president of WDC) .
Women Development Cell, Govt. Engineering College, Thrissur conducted a counseling class for first year girls on 7th September 2012, 12.30 PM at the seminar hall. Dr. K. Meenakshy the staff coordinator of WDC made the welcome speech. The presidential address was given by Prof.M.V.Jayan , the staff advisor of the College Union. The program was felicitated by Prof.Lali , the staff in charge of WIE (Women In Engineering), a wing of IEEE, Divya Nair of S5,EEE, the student representative of WIE and Nimisha .A .B ,the secretary of WDC, GEC Thrissur. It was followed by a talk on “ETHICS AND MORAL VALUES” `by Prof.Latha Raj, the staff in charge of counseling cell GEC, Thrissur. The talk was inspiring and the feedbacks were highly positive. Finally, vote of thanks was delivered by Thensiha A V, President, WDC ,GEC Thrissur.
To show the protest against the Delhi gang rape a poster campaigning was conducted in the college, the wdc made its protest.
On March 8th, International Women’s day was celebrated in the college and as a part of this an extempore speech competition was conducted. Welcome speech was rendered by Dr. K. Meenakshy followed by a speech by Prof.Latha Raj. Many students participated in the competition and Anjali A of S4 CE won the first prize, Joyce Job of S6,CS won second prize and Mrinalini of S4 CHE won third prize. A poster campaigning was also conducted as a part of the International women’s day celebration.
Women Development Cell, Govt. Engineering College, Thrissur conducted a counselling class for first year girls on 22nd August 2013, {time} at the seminar hall. Thensiha A.V. secretary of WDC made the welcome speech. The presidential address was given by Dr. K. Meenakshy the staff coordinator of WDC. It was followed by a talk on “WOMEN EMPOWERMENT” `by Prof.Latha Raj, Principal, Maharajas college, Eranakulam. Finally, vote of thanks was delivered by Leya, President, WDC ,GEC Thrissur.
Seminars and webinars
Sanitary Care Awareness
Institutional Code of Conduct
Stress management
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